Credinvest International Corporate Finance provides advisory services for Governments with a principal focus on transportation:
We have been advising the Ministry of Transport in Romania and we have advised Ukravtodor, in Ukraine, on the manner in which highway investments may be financed under the Public Private Partnership mechanism; the service we provide here is turnkey, meaning it commences at the preparation of all documentation to the launching of an international tender for bids from construction contractors to act as highway concessionaires, to the advising of and arranging of project financing.
The Public Private Partnership mechanism may be applied to all infrastructure projects (airports, hospitals, rail networks).
It is a fundamental structure to emerging markets because the payment mechanisms associated therewith, and the manner in which risks are shared between the public and private partner, are deemed with the Eurostat framework as not falling within the bracket of state guarantee it is therefore a means for a country to finance and realize infrastructure projects without a State guarantee.